On my new D505, the Device Manager says "HL-DT-ST DVD+RW GCA 4040N"
But in My Computer it labels it as "DVD/CD-RW". Which one is correct? can I record onto dvd disks?
I ask this becuase I bought this notebook from a store that had conflicting brochures, one said it had a dvd/cd-rw drive, the other said it had a dvd recordable drive. Please excuse the extreme n00bishness.
That is in no way noobish, it's plain confusing. First of all, if a store isn't able to keep their brochures straight, that should tell you a bit about their quality, though it is too late now. I would believe what the device manager says. Try buying a recordable (+format) dvd, and download a trial of clonedvd. If it will let you copy, you lucked out.
Completed mods:
GPU cooling (100°C->75°C)
Mods in progress:
8600c to 8600 keyboard swap (to get the eraser head).
Tweaks: Radeon 9600 pro (337/242) at 400/300
this is completely off topic, but Andrew, where did u get the copper plate to do the gpu cooling mod? ...i wanted to do it, but couldnt find anywhere that had a copper plate. i tried Lowe's, and Home Depot
I got it at Hardware Sales, but I don't know whether that is a chain. Look for sheet metal. The thickest I could find was .7mm, but I needed 1.5. I had to sandwich two together to get the right thickness. If I did it over again I would have bought thermal adhesive in addition to ceramique, as I wouldn't have to use any loctite. This is why it was so important for me to use real silver, there were a lot of gaps to fill.
Completed mods:
GPU cooling (100°C->75°C)
Mods in progress:
8600c to 8600 keyboard swap (to get the eraser head).
Tweaks: Radeon 9600 pro (337/242) at 400/300
Discussion in 'Dell' started by reddog0051, Jul 5, 2004.