On attention on all users here.
If you have some of listed in the picture DVD devices, and has have some problems with your DVD drive.
It will be better for you to update your firmware.
Attached Files:
Yep, too bad Dell doesn't offer firmware support for my DVD drive, i.e. the regular Optiarc DVD+RW drive, not the Blu-Ray combo drive.
Yes I know.
I have the same DVD driver.
Lets hope Dell will realize new firmware for our driver too.
By the way I just noticed you are located on damn good place - Columbus, OH.
Arnold Classic Bodybuilding Championship? -
On topic...
Dell, can we pleeeeease have our firmware? *Puppy eyes* -
All credit to http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/Shrek_2_Cat-eyes_L-01.jpg and Shrek 2 the movie, and whatever/wherever other credit needs to be given, etc... -
hahaha i love that cat...
DVD drive firmwares
Discussion in 'Dell' started by bigdarkmad, Apr 18, 2009.