I'm not sure what's going on here, but I just got my m1330 and it says the 8400GS has 256mb of memory - when everything in my order said 128mb. I'm assuming it could be shared memory or something like that, but figured I would ask and be sure.
I have installed the laptopvideo2go.com 169.09 drivers and am running Windows XP Pro. Could it be an error in something that got loaded with the laptopvideo2go drivers?
DirectX Diagnostic tool says 256mb, the adapter tab in display properties says 256mb, everything I have checked says 256mb. Is there another tool I can test?
Anyone have any clue what the deal is there?
The XPS m1330 is outfitted with a 128 Mb 8400m GS which can share over 300 Mb with 2 GB of system memory.
lol...I got near 1.4GB in total -
There is a difference between total available and total dedicated. The dedicated is what is important to you as it is the actual fast gpu ram.
i will have to take a picture and stick it up here cause this is weird. i am in windows xp and it doesnt say anything about shared system memory or dedicated video memory. it just says memory size: 256mb.
Windows doesn't report the amount that gets borrowed, it just sees 256Mb. With my GMA950 it just sees 128Mb of videoram. It doesn't know that 128Mb comes out of my RAM. Only in the BIOS can I see it and alter it. Usually you can find it in your BIOS what part is dedicated and what part gets borrowed.
DELL m1330 - 256mb 8400GS?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by stevek1977, Feb 5, 2008.