My dell 1420 shows up a blue error screen everytime windows vista starts up...also see the error message as "Memory DUMP"...
If i go to "SAFE mode, then laptop will blue screen after abt 15 mins ... but if i start up normally, it will blue screen in less than a min ...
And experts here can advise ?
0X0000008BE was seen .... means what ?
anyone here also encounter the same problem ?
I googled it real quick but didn't get anything good
Reboot your computer and hold down the Fn key. That will run the dell diagnostic, which may identify a hardware issue. If you receive an error from that be sure to write the whole thing down as you will need that information.
Next time you get the blue screen, write down the whole error message so that we can be sure we have the right error message. Right now I am thinking harddrive or RAM. -
Try reseating your memory (pulling it out and putting it back in). If this does not work, try one stick at a time and see if it is any different. Else, run memtest on it.
Wouldn't it dump the memory on a bluescreen anyway ... even if its not related to memory?
Did you install Zone Alarm on your Vista? I did it and had the same problem... And memory dump doesn't mean there is someting with the RAM but that your system is saving crash details etc. So your problem is not hardware related.
DELL inspiron 1420 crashed....BLUE SCREEN
Discussion in 'Dell' started by lance_ronghe, Nov 9, 2008.