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    DELL INSPIRON 700M Problems

    Discussion in 'Dell' started by farqueue, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. farqueue

    farqueue Notebook Guru

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    Just got my dell 700m and seem to have a few problems.

    I can hear a sound, something like when u put a plug into a faulty the background and it seems to be coming from my motherboard......

    another thing is i want to know if i can allocate my 1gb memory to increase my video mem from 64mb to about 128mb....

    one more thing is when i right click on properties in my computer.... i see the 1.7ghz processor, but only claims to be running at 500+ MHZ..... what should i do??? please help

    called dell up... absolutely uselesss.........promised to return call but havent heard from them since.
  2. ZaZ

    ZaZ Super Model Super Moderator

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    There is a bunch of posts on the sound issue in the Dell fourm. I think I read somewhere you can't change the video memory on the 700m. If you can do it, it is most likely in the BIOS. All Pentium Ms cut the clock speed when you are not doing anything CPU intensive. It is one of the reasons they get such good battery life.
  3. jimmy_simms

    jimmy_simms Notebook Consultant

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    1. I do not know what the sound can be.

    2. Memory is allocated automatically, it only comes with an up to 64mb on board card, and if it needs those 64mb, do not worry it will take and use them.

    3. If you are running the notebook on the battery unless required, it will drop the clock speed. But if you then start using power hungry programs, it will take full use of the speed.

    But unless you can give more details about your first problem, do not worry about the other things mentioned, they are not problems.