My Inspiron 1464 stopped clicking on the left side.. after an hour of remote service and updating drivers he's like its hardware... ill send a technician over in 2 days.. itsbeen 3 days NOONE EVER CALLED OR CAME........ F**CK DELL!
The Technician should be contacting you to set up a time for the site visit to you to repair. Usually, it's w/in 48 hours after Dell has dispatched to the Technician. Technician may be waiting on parts (usually those are overnighted to the Tech).
Call Dell Support back and ask them what the status is.
: )
Cin... -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
DELL INSPIRON 1464 crazy thing broke!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by mark1200330, Nov 28, 2010.