This question has probably been asked on the forum a number of times, but I couldn't easily find any references....
I really need a laptop that truly supports 4GB of RAM (and that all 4GB can be accessed from the OS). I configured a D830 and called in to Dell to ask if Vista 32-bit edition can see all 4GB of RAM. The sales person indicated that it could, and even went to ask his "tech guys" if this was true. While they claim that it can, I have my doubts. I have seen screenshots from a D630 running Vista Business that indicated 4GB is recognized as 3.5GB, and from everything I have read this seems to the case.
Is there *anyone* out there running a D830 with 4GB that can confirm that Vista Business 32-bit edition will see all 4GB of RAM??? If 64-bit edition solves the problem I would be more than happy to go that route, but Dell doesn't offer this Thanks!
I was 99.99% they were lying to me...Thanks!! Too bad Dell doesn't offer Vista 64-bit edition through OEM...
D830 4GB RAM support?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by jdeluise, Jul 11, 2007.