I just looked at the config page today, there is a 120 gb hybrid hard drive available.
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
So does the D630.
Does the hybrid hard drive work as well as the turbo memory? Can I combine a hybrid hard drive with turbo memory? -
Thats has been a option since last week -
so whats better a hybrid 5400 or a standard 7200??
plus it sets ur shipping back another week.. -
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
Homer_Jay_Thompson blathering blatherskite
Have you decided that you infact do want TurboMemory? I've been having a sort of debate over whether or not to get it here.
It's got some on-the-fence reviews, and no definative evidence... any more opinions? -
Can you add turbo memory on a d630? I though it needed a mini pci slot and there only one on the d630 (for the wireless card)
it occupies the same mini pci slot as the wwan (sprint or whatever) card. so if you dont have the inernal wwan card, then you can put turbomemory in.
i had a link to the d630 service manual, but i cant seem to access the dell support site... -
The hardware supports a Turbo Memory card, but I don't know if it's supported by the BIOS yet. I mean, I'm guessing there's some reason why Dell's not offering it. If you look at the Lenovo forum, a lot of Thinkpad users have turned off their Turbo Memory due to system crashes, so maybe they want to get the problems ironed out first. Or maybe they're not offering it because it just isn't doing much for performance... I don't know.
Intel's drivers for the turbomemory are flakey at the moment. The TurboMemory Control Panel, is mostly useless, and the installation of the drivers requires numerous (9) reboots. I'm going to wait till someone else puts it in a d830, to see how it works. The service manual for the d830 on this page shows the TurboMemory Card (otherwise known as a Flash Cache Module). However, the d630 service manual never mentions a Flash Cache Module. Curious indeed.
D830 - Hybrid Drive Available
Discussion in 'Dell' started by speedy21589, Jun 28, 2007.