My friend has a D800, and its not powering on, he plugs in the A/C, puts on the power button, the led lights go on for a second, then thye go off, the screen is blank, and theres no sounds of it powering on, he says it was when a techie installed a new screen wrong and it could have shorted out hte mobo, is there any other explination for this strange problem?
anyone have any ideas on what could be the problem?
there's no need to bump the thread after 2 hrs.
if a tech did it, he should contact the tech again. it's on him to fix it.
who swapped out the LCD ? -
the tech swapped out the LCD Samsung WXGA LCD
im the owner of the busted D800 cant figure out what to do any suggestions? -
did you take it to shop or have a warranty repair or send it in or have a friend do it or ?
that's the person you should be talking to.
if you're comfortable opening your notebook, you can take a look inside to see if anything is unplugged or disconnected.
D800 wont power on
Discussion in 'Dell' started by lilredfoxie, May 31, 2006.