I am about to order a D630 and am not sure which display would be better for me, the WXGA or the WXGA+.
On my desktop I use a 19" LCD set at 1280x1024 at 96 DPI and that is comfortable for me.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Judging from your resolution on a 19" lcd, you should order wxga+
I agree with offbase.
WXGA will be closer to the DPI on your 19" 1280x1024 monitor... though neither one is really close. They'll both make text appear smaller. You'll probably be looking at it closer though, since it's a notebook. So basically I can't really say, because it depends how far away from your eyes you keep each screen.
If you can, go to a store and look at 14" laptops. They'll probably all be WXGA. If you like that size text and icons, then get that. If you wish you could make the text smaller and fit more stuff on the screen, then get WXGA+.
By the way, read this: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=124093
D630: WXGA+ or WXGA which is better?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by safdc, Jul 13, 2007.