Anyone have any ideas here...
I setup my D630 with a second display the other day, and it went thru some auto config stuff initially and then asked me whether I wanted a cloned screen or extended. The extended option also allowed me to 'extend left' or 'extend right'. I chose left b/c my 2nd display is positioned to the left of my laptop on the desk. Worked great.
So, pulled the laptop at some point to use it elsewhere, now when I plug back in, it's 'extended right' and I can't find a setting anywhere in display properties or the intel software to switch it back.
Any thoughts?
D630, Vista Business
umm, nevermind...messed w/ this for over an hour last night then i find it today in 42 seconds, ugh...
fwiw, if anyone else needs to find this, it's in the mobility center w/in quickset.
D630 extended desktop (more x3100 question)
Discussion in 'Dell' started by hylton, Mar 17, 2008.