if not sooner. Question, should I get a 2GB stick and add it to what is there? (I ordered 1GB in one stick) Or would that slow me down due to the need for matching RAM? Thanks, Dave
Not sure about performace gains/losses from using non-matching sticks, but I understand the need to upgrade as soon as possible! For me I didn't even wait to boot it once. Just replaced the RAM as soon as I got it, pressed F1 to continue from the "error" message, then 2.0GB it was.
I do understand that the theoretical "loss" from mismatched sticks will not be felt in practical applications.
Good Luck.
P -
Thanks. I do like my RAM. I am beginning to use VMWARE just for fun, and that puppy likes RAM, so I have a decision to make. Add 1 GB or 2 GB??? Heck, I may as well get the 2 GB and be done with it. Lots of decisions involved with a laptop, that is for darn sure.
Dave -
buy 2
2 gig sticks ! -
If you're using VMWare, then I'd definitely go for the 3 gb single-channel over 2 gb dual-channel. Actually, I would anyway, but even more so if you use something like vmware.
Got it, thanks. There was a Patriot 2GB at Newegg for about $120, I think. Dave
I just sprang for one of these... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220229
Nothing is too good for my new D630
D630 coming soon, I will upgrade RAM immediately...
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Cape Consultant, Aug 7, 2007.