Concerning the Latitude D630:
The optical drive failed. CD/DVD could be inserted but data was not read or recognized. When I access the device manager, it says the drive is working properly and in the icon try it asks if I want to remove the drive.
Any suggestions as to where I am going wrong?
freefisheater Notebook Consultant NBR Reviewer
The optical drive reads the disc and displays the label, but doesn't let you open it or access any data? Am I getting that right? Or is the drive refusing to recognize the media per se?
I had that problem as well. I had to have the drive replaced. -
Well, the computer recognizes that the drive is there(it appears in the device manager and in the icon tray to be removed) but when I put any type of CD in the drive, the computer will not recongnize the data on the disc.
D630 DVD Drive help
Discussion in 'Dell' started by yankeesbaseball, Feb 21, 2008.