Got my D620 about 90 minutes ago. I am on it now. It apears as it is brand new, the only thing that looked used at all is the power adapter, which had some dust on it. The Sparkle on the screen is present but doesn't seem that ba just little weird compared to glossy screens. My favorite thing is that it is completely silent (so silent that I can now notice that my cable modem makes a little noise). The screen wobbles a little but the laptop seems well made. Not perfect but I dont think you can find a better laptop with the specs I got (duo 2400, 80 gig 7200rpm hd, DVDrw, 2 gigs ram, Nividia 110) for the price. If anyone has any questions let me know.
Nice machine. Congrats on the buy! I'm considoring that one myself. I know you've only had it for under 2 hours, but is there anything else buyers should be aware of, or any discrepancies between the machine you have in front of you and the machine you perceived to be receiving?
How is the screen? Bright and sharp, is it a glossy or matte screen? If you've seen the M1210 by any chance, comparisons with that would be appreciated as those are the two main Dells i'm looking at.
Thanks Bobbles
Cam -
I havent seen the 1210 but it is not as bright as ones such as the HP DV2000 series. I also dont like the auto brightness setter and turned it off because I like my screen bright. Speaker does pretty well, though at top volume the computer shakes a little. the bottom of the computer gets warm after awhile but it doesnt seem terrible. Though now I've been using it cpu usage is going between 1% and 11% with Aim, Windows media player and 5 IE windows open.
D620 from Outlet...seems good!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by bobbles, Aug 3, 2006.