I ordered my D620 with a 9 cell. It should arrive next week. Any pointers on how to best charge up the battery for the first time? I understand I should leave it plugged in for 7 hours (PC on or off?) and then run the system on batteries until it drains, repeat this three times.
Any other bits of knowledge? Thanks! And thanks to everyone who chimed in on my questions, I am really glad I ordered this system!
The battery will already be charged, so you will not need to charge it and go to wikipedia and search lithium ion to find out how to best take care of it.
I never drain the battery and it always works out great -
As far as i know, modern Li Ion batteries don't really gain anything from being drained prior to use. For the past few years i haven't drained anything and everything seems to work perfectly.
D620 9 cell optmization
Discussion in 'Dell' started by tachyonico, Jul 13, 2006.