Like the title says. When plugged in nothing, Wont charge, wont run without battery. Someone suggested a new powerport. Anyone know for sure and where can I get one?
Doesn't sound good Sir - D600's are such good machines that I have two, but I'm giving one to my oldest daughter in July. That said, what is the background to this? Was it dropped or bumped into something, and is the powerport still "tight" in the back? I'm not sure if the powerport is soldered onto the mobo or if it can be removed/replaced like on the newer HP's. Mobo's aren't too bad on Ebay - but $150 is a lot of money for what nowadays is a $500-600 laptop.
It has to be the powerport. If you are still under warrenty call dell -
was thinking/hoping it is the power port. No warranty. I also have 2 d600. I just bought this one for $100 with a 1.3/512/40gig/wireless etc. The owner told me that the problem was the power port, I just wanted to get more "input" I have a brother in law, real good with soldering. I see the part for $20 on ebay. I also seen adverts to do the complete job for less than $100. In your opinion which would you do?
thanks for your replies -
You probably know more than anyone else here. Go with what you think is best.
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
If you can afford the loss, the gain would be significant, personally, I'd probably take the gamble, its only a hundred could sell a working unit for substantially more, or part out the corpse for about that much.
I found several solutions. Buy a new powerport, have it installed or someone install for me. But the best solution I think is a docking station. It will charge the battery, run the system and the dock I located even comes with a pci slot and a optical bay slot.
D600 No Power Runs Only On Battery
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Sykotic, May 18, 2007.