I have Dell inspiron 9300 and my battery gone when i first buy it last year batter was taking 1.5 hours to last but day by day it take shorter and finally it was taking 30 min .. but yesterday it started not to charge
My battery Type D5318 and Rating 11.1V~4800mAh
now i need to buy new one but i have no idea as i searched mine was 6 cell and with my little knowladge how long it takes is relational with cell
i find some on ebay 12 Cell 6600mAh but im not sure what to buy
can someone explain what does cell mean and what is the diffrence between 488mAh-6600mAh-7200mAh
Thank you
(You keep missing keys while typing,some parts of the post were not understandable)
The amount of charge that a battery has every time.
meaning the battery life with a 6600mah will be ~1.35x and with a 7200mah will be ~1.5x compared to the 4880mah.
D5318 Battery
Discussion in 'Dell' started by seyn, Dec 27, 2006.