I just got an Inspiron E1405. I noticed that the reformatting guide refers to ordering media for CyberLink PowerDVD and Sonic RecordNow. However, neither of those seemed to be installed on my system in the first place. Has the bundled software changed? I think the DVD playback software on mine was something called Cineplayer(?)
I'm just wondering exactly what I should be asking Dell for in terms of reinstallation media. Should I just say, "Give me media for everything that was originally on the machine"? Or do I need to ask for specifics?
The only thing I really care about is DVD playback. I guess the codecs have gone missing, because DVDs no longer play in Media Center after a reinstall.
Thanks for any help...
Cineplayer would contain the codecs and by default they don't ship the backup media for these pieces of software.
My 6400 came with CyberLink and Sonic, but no discs so I had to contact Dell for them so I could do the clean install and put those back on. -
I think it should be in the CD with the drivers on it. -
What laptop did you order?
I know with all of the inspirons you receive Cyberlink and Sonic, but it also depends on what cd/dvd drive you ordered. -
As I said, it was an Inspiron E1405. Neither PowerDVD nor RecordNow were originally on the drive. (They weren't in the Start menu, and they weren't under Program Files.) When I played a DVD, it ran something called Cineplayer, not PowerDVD.
But, I spoke to Dell today, and they said they'd just send me PowerDVD and RecordNow anyway. They didn't seem to know anything about Cineplayer.
The DVD drive is the 8x DVD+/-RW dual-layer burner.
BTW, I also did not receive the "Applications Disk", so they said they'd sent that, too.
CyberLink PowerDVD/Sonic RecordNow media
Discussion in 'Dell' started by incandenza, Aug 2, 2006.