gotta love 3.5 mb/sec d/l at the dorms for the 1.8gig demo .
installed crysis demo and over clocked up to my 3809 3dmark score setting b4 even starting the game. wow this game too forever to load, was unplayable even at low settings and at thinking to myself...there is no way this is happening. quit the game and notice my power is set to power saver haha.
now for the real deal and again with gpu overclocked. crysis ran very good at 1280x800 with all medium settings. very smooth and very quick loads. this is on my current 1520 that i have screwed with like no other, so the real test for me will be on monday when i get my brand new upgraded 1520, do a fresh install of vista, and play at native 1280x800. its 5am and im hella drunk so ill try out higher settings and 1440x900 resolution tomorrow.
My M90 can pull 1200x800 at medium settings, but anything over gets unplayable/not smooth at all....
I bet it would be even smoother on XP, rather than Vista! Consistent framerate loss is usually seen in comparison of Vista to XP.
Thanks for the heads up, I am DL'ing the demo now on the desktop and was going to give it a go on the laptop!
-J -
Anybody else tried different resolutions or settings for this game demo?
I've basically tried like the poster above 1280x800 at medium settings which runs 'ok' i guess. -
Don't' feel bad people..
My friend has a $800 8800GTX and it can't even run the demo maxed out.. If anything he should be pissed or upset..
Anyone know the frame rates at say 1200 by 800 res? Curious, I'd download it but I'm just to damn impatient, plus I'm kinda a UT3 demo whore at the moment. -
How does UT3 run on your system?
Not very playable at 1280x800. Plays OK at 800x600 x2aa everything on medium. Haven't really tried it while o/c'd. (Vista Ultimate)
Thinking of going back to XP to see if there's a difference. -
UT? Runs great.. maxed out and it goes from 30 - 40 FPS, very very smooth usually 60 seems choppy with games but all the blur effects makes it appear smooth to the eye, very playable. Good drivers help to, using 169.01..amazing drivers lol..
christ, i got the 1520 with the 8600m gt, 2,2 Ghz and 2GB Ram and crysis barely runs at 800*600 everything low (dx10)
what the hell am i doing wrong?
(by the way my 3dmark score is only like 2300 at 1280*1024)
btw. i did try overclocking and got the newest beta drivers from nvidia with modified inf
to comment on that, i wasn't able to clock the gram over like 470 MHz without sometimes getting a black screen for a second and a promt that something about the displaydrivers was wrong and was successfully restored... gpu clock goes up to 605 (just didn't go further)
i run the original dell installation at high performance enery setup
btw2: pls don't be to hard judging my english, i'm german and no native speaker thou (and no one tries to blame me a nazi or i will get some of my arian brothers and come over to whereever you live and leave only smoke and glimming ashes behind! ò.Ó BOO! just kidding... just please don't do it, i won't answer to that **** and this is my only statement towards this. i hope you know sarcasm. hitler was a badass and i would be as likely to kill him as every other reasonable person) -
Running well at 1024 x 768.
Install the Nov directx update from microsoft and use the 169.01 drivers. -
well, I'm already using the 169.01 driver
I'm not sure about the Nov Update for dx, but i'll give it a try. posting my findings later.
Actually i rescently ran the game in dx9 mode... friend told me to do so
and i got the game quite playable at 1280*1024, everything low, no clocking
don't know if you guys are running it at dx9, too
one last question
sticking to this thread:
overclocking to 470 mhz is a joke
Hey All,
I wanted to ask the gamers on this forum their opinion of the Crysis demo on my lappy. I have a 1520 and I installed the demo. Right after installing, I played it, and it was super fast. But then, I put my computer to sleep and after waking it up, I played Crysis and the fps has dropped like mad. I tried defragging (which helped load times, but not in-game play). I don't know if it's my CPU (I think it might be after comparing usage in task manager between when Crysis was active and when not), or my RAM, or my graphics card that is slowing it down, but here are my settings:
Everything set to Medium on Advanced settings.
Blood is on.
Instantaneous Action is on.
Full Screen is on.
I have a T7100 (1.8Ghz), 2GB RAM, and 8600GT.
How can I speed up Crysis (I know it's intense) without lowering the graphics? As in are there any processes in Vista I can close or tweak that will make Crysis run faster???
Thanks. -
The Crysis demo runs beautifully on my 1520 (stats in sig) with:
DX 9 Mode
AA: Off
Shadows: Low
Textures: Medium
Post-processing: Medium
Everything Else: High
It by far looks better then DX 10 mode or turning on AA and sacrificing other settings, in my opinion. -
are u using stock clocking and drivers?
I forgot to include that post-processing was also set on medium, when it was on high there were seriously annoying motion blur issues. I haven't yet, but I plan to use this guide to tweak my settings further, but that can wait till I get the full game. -
I have a Dell 1520 with the 8600GT and it doesn't have DDR3..........
Anyway, I see you guys talking about drivers being 163.67. I just updated my drivers and it lists it as with a listed date of 10/04/07 how do I compare it to what you guys are running with the 163 or whatever. -
Year , I can run Unreal Tornament on my crappy x1400 almost maxed... I dont exactly understand the unreal tornament settings but im talking 1280x800 all settings maxed 20-25fps... (enough for me as long as it looks alright) but lower settings say that thing that starts at 50 ends at 100 you know that setting , say i put that to 70 , i get a very noticible increase in fps , say 50fps average... but quality alot less... im guessing its the anti aliasing kicking in.
anybody want to post screenshots?
I am having similar results to yours. Rep to Necromas. The simple solution if you're having trouble running Crysis is to RUN IT ON DX9!!! It works beautifully on my 1520 with everything on Medium settings. Sure, the graphics aren't as good (there is a noticeable difference in how fast things are rendered, etc.), but it's smooth, and the graphics and effects are still relatively good. So just switch to DX9 and run everything on medium, and even with stock drivers, etc. it should run fine. -
I'm getting 30-60 fps in Crysis with my setup on 1024 & all on medium except shaders and shadows on low. I will try Necro's suggestions and see if I can get 1280 res looking good.
Are you guys talking about the Crysis multiplayer demo, or thr latest sinfle-player release? I tried Necro's settings and my fps was between 10-30, a considerable decrease. This was for both 280 & 1024 resolutions.
singleplayer i guess
well that's at least what i'm talking about and not everyone has got a beta key, hu? ^^ -
Yes, I meant singleplayer.
I have a beta key, but the beta crashes whenever I try to join a game, and several people are having similar problems, it seems to be a combined issue of vista compatibility, a memory leak, and poor optimization, but their response to the issue is that the game is too close to release for them to give a crap about the beta anymore. -
Yeah, I think I get memory leaks in the Beta as well, fortunately for me it takes over an hour or two for it to crash me. I LOVES it...too bad I won't be forking out the dough to buy the game when the time comes. I will try the demo and let you know what I get.
Right on. I just loaded up the Single-player and it's beautiful. Pretty nice action for a $1,000 lappy. I used the same specs as Necro suggested. FPS 25-40.
Crysis on the 1520
Discussion in 'Dell' started by wohast, Oct 27, 2007.