Alright, I have the GSA T21 and everytime I put in a dual layer DVD (only brand I've tried is this memorex DVD +R DL) it seems like everything suddenly just stops operating, then when the disc comes out everything starts back up as if it was fine. I used nero info tools it says I have a dual layer disc, and I monitored my vitals and nothing is being taxed (memory, hard drive, or cpu) so wtf is going on. I also updated the firmware through dell's site which was last updated the 20th of november so fairly recently.
Might want to try some Verbatims which are considered to be the best dual layer disc. Memorex's quality is all over the place.
Metamorphical Good computer user
Try burning a regular disk or reading a DVD and seeing if it plays. If not uninstall Nero and try another program.
There is a recommended update of firmware for this drive released in Nov 2007. Have you tried that?
Craziest DVD problem I've ever seen...
Discussion in 'Dell' started by hyakku, Jan 14, 2008.