Hey guys,
This morning I found a crack on my notebook, Dell Inspiron 1150.
I bet this is totally normal, I kept on opening and closing the lid for almost 3 yrs, huh? Yeah, I am not worry about it. I bet that part of all notebooks is the weakest.
It's definitely bound to happen after a few years of years. And almost 3 years of opening and closing seems like it has had a long life. hopefully it isn't too bad that the actual screen begins to slant or something.
Yeah, the screen is perfect, not a single problem.
JC -
Robert in Sadorus Notebook Evangelist
If you do start to worry about it, I am sure Dell has a replacement part for it.
Yeah, but I doubt it I will need it. Besides my warrenty will ends at Sept.
JC -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
If its still covered I'd go on and get it fixed. It might become problematic over time, if you paid for the additional coverage, you might as well use it.
Yeah, I will, if the screen starts to glitch, I will take care of it.
JC -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
I'd do it anyway, just because.
Well, since it is plastic, the warrenty doesnt cover it.
JC -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
Gotcha, Dells famous "Incomplete care" covereage? You coulod always inject some super glue or the like into the crack to fill it, that should help keep it from expanding.
lol, yup, "Dells famous "Incomplete care" coverage". Hm, super glue, nah, plastic and super glue doesnt work too well, I found the hard way with a ship model. . If the crack gets any bigger, I will just used some sort of tape, like rubber tape, or any.
JC -
dell complete care doesn't cover anything with plastic?
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
Super glue works quite well with plastics. Just be sure to clean and dry the area well, and dont use a gel, you want it to penetrate the crack completely. I'm sure there are better fillers out there, but they would be more expensive and harder to work with.
Hmmm...I keep that in mind. But the crack is sooo small, I am pretty sure that the tip of the super glue is hard to get in.
JC -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
The metod I would use would be 1) clean and dry the area. 2) take a SMALL amount of vasoline or similar substance and smear it around but not in or on the crack to prevent it from sticking to the unaffected area. 3) Obtain a syringe with smallest guage needle you can find( most drug stores will just give them to you, though you may get an odd look or three) and fill it with the glue. 4) Stick the needle IN the crack and fill, you will want to move the needle to various locations withing the crack to get a proper fill. 5) After its filled, try and apply light compression to both sides of the crack and hold for 2-3 minutes, wait about 1/2 an hour, then clean with electronic cleaning wipes or a mild solution of isopropyl alcohol and water and your done.
Wow, you must be an expert of repairing cracks. Thank you. I will do that once I have enough time to do it, i am pretty busy student.
JC -
The crack eas caused by overheating, you can buy the cover at
You can use glicerin (called glicerina in México) to avoid the crack for heating.
Crack on my notebook
Discussion in 'Dell' started by NetBrakr, Feb 17, 2007.