I clean installed my XPS M1330. I also applied all the Vista tweaks mentioned in the forum by flamenko. The problem that I am facing is that the hard disk light is glowing after every second periodically and making light tweaking sound every time. I have disabled search indexing for all drives. Anybody having same problem ? Any solution ? Thanks in advance.
Btw this problem had stopped after disabling indexing before clean installing Vista.
planet_vikram Notebook Evangelist
But after the format, disabling the index service doesn't help. -
My guess is that Storm's native language is not English since his location is the Netherlands. I wish I were able to communicate well enough in a second language to use it while posting on a forums.
planet_vikram Notebook Evangelist
Sorry vikram, forgot what I had to say to you: check your processes and see what's going on there. Also, if you haven't already, you might want to run malware scans.
planet_vikram Notebook Evangelist
One more question to u all....how CCleaner software ? any performance degradation after using it as someone had mentioned in some other post..... -
Ah, got it. I misread your initial post, sorry, my bad.
Checking you're ongoing processes like BMWRob suggests would be the first thing to do. Open your task manager and then the source-control through the performance tab, open up the HDD tab and then you should be able to see what is going on. If that leaves you only with more questions please get back to us -
Do you get the problem when the power cable is plugged in or is hooked up to an external monitor? When i have this it seems to constantly run...but when i just run off battery it doesnt flash at all. So see if it stops when your just running with the battery.
IMHO, CCleaner is an excellent program. I suppose, as is so often brought up, that any app which can affect your Registry can cause problems. However, in my own humble experience, I've never had any problems with CCleaner. I think it's a great app.
Constant hard disk activity on M1330
Discussion in 'Dell' started by planet_vikram, Sep 26, 2007.