I'm reinstalling Windows MCE on my E1505 that I recieved this afternoon, just to remove Dell's bloatware and all that other garbage.
While reinstalling MCE, I was prompted as to whether or not I'd like to join a workgroup or domain. I have a workgroup in my house, but I was suprised to see domain as an option.
I thought that MCE was a "spiffed up" version of XP Home, XP Home being XP Pro minus administrative networking functions, a big one being joining domains.
Am I completely wrong with that thought?
Another thing: it is kind of awkward having the MCE disk prompting me for various tasks while installing "WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL." I ordered MCE, and the disk says MCE. It's kind of wierd having the installer say Professional, even thoguh I know it's installing MCE.
Oh well, just a question and rant while MCE is installing. Any input?
MCE is XP Pro minus a couple features with some media stuff added in.
Huh. That explains it then. I don't understand why anyone would choose XP Home over MCE if they have both options for the same price. You don't have to use the Media Center function.
Here's a link to enable connecting to domains in Win MCE:
BTW, MCE has almost everything Pro does, like file encryption and remote desktop, Home doesnt have any of these.
Connect to domains in MCE???
Discussion in 'Dell' started by agreenbhm, May 1, 2006.