Hi everyone
I am planning to get a new 710m, a few questions here:
1. Which wireless option is the best in terms of stability and strong signal? I don't have a wireless route yet, so I can buy whichever one to fit this laptop.
2. Which specific brand and model of RAM should I choose when upgrading? If you can include link, that would be great!
3. What kind of warranty do you recommend for a new 710m?
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
1) If you don't have much experience with wireless, Netgear is a good brand. Make sure if supports the wireless you have on your laptop, it should be b/g. Just make sure the router supports b or g.
2) Well Dell uses Samsung brand ram. I used Transcend which is Samsung. Corsair, Crucial and Kingston are all good brands. Go to www.newegg.com and check them out.
3) Depends, I just stuck with the normal warranty just because I don't need it. So I would at least go for a 2-3 year.
Just my $.02. -
I have a netgear router (MR814v2) and its given me some hard times. I would recommend the Linksys wrt54g if and only if you can get a v1-v4 so that you can flash it with a 3rd party firmware. You should avoid v5 of it at all cost as it is not compatible with most open source firmware.
Component questions for 710m
Discussion in 'Dell' started by glennchung, Mar 31, 2006.