hi evereybody ,
please comapare this configs :
model CPU CASH RAM VGA HARD monitor
DELL D830 T9300 2.5G 6M 4G 256M NVS 140M Quadro 200G 15.4” SXGA 1850$
DELL XPS M1530 T9300 2.5G 6M 2G 256M GF8600GT 250G 15.4” XPLUS 1800$
HP 6880ee T9300 2.5G 6M 4G 256M GF8400 320G 15.4” WXGA 1800$
how much NVS quadro 256M is better than 256M GF8600GT ?
Is it possible to instal win-XP beside the vista without any touble ?Isn't it difficult?
What is the diffrence between SXGA, XPLUS , WXGA ? which one is better?
The Quadro 140M is NOT better than the 8600M GT in the 1530. The 1530's graphic card beats the living daylights out of both NVS 140M and 8400 GS.
No clue where you got Xplus from. I assume you mean WXGA+.
WXGA = 1280 x 800
WXGA+ = 1440 x 900
SXGA = 1280 x 1024
They are different screen resolutions.
They are not better or worse. It depends on what you find suitable for your need needs.
Compare : DELL D830 DELL XPS HP 6880ee
Discussion in 'Dell' started by mandegarfar, May 31, 2008.