Hey guys. I'm considering ordering an m1330 in the next few days with the following specs:
2.2ghz C2D
3GB DDR2/667
160gb/7200rpm HD
The rest of the specs shouldn't effect gaming, so I'll leave them out.
Now I do have a primary gaming desktop where I do most of my playing, but I'm hoping to do a little on the go gaming with whatever desktop I choose to buy. I play mostly CoD4 and CoD2, but I dabble in just about anything. If anyone feels like sharing their CoD4/m1330 experiences, or even better has SCREENSHOTS, PLEASE post them up here. I've been rummaging through these forums and haven't found much. Thanks in advance!
Well dont get too excited, my desktop with the following specs:
AMD 5600+
2GB DDR2 667mhz
250GB 7200rpm
I can play smoothly (25-50 fps) @ 1280x768 but with all the settings down low and none of the eye candy, except for "ragdoll". The desktop 8500GT is a little faster, so you should see about (20-40 fps) in the setting i outlined previously. It is possible for me to play @ 1680x1050, and still get playable framerates, but the lag becomes too great during heavy action.
CoD4 on m1330
Discussion in 'Dell' started by PapaChains, Dec 31, 2007.