I have a Seagate and I did this - it works though it seems everything runs a little hotter (1-2 degrees C). Thanks.
I think I might have found out one reason why the hdparm scripts weren't working. The UAC (may it burn in hell forever) might have been blocking the hdparm program. I figured there was a problem when it wouldn't let me delete an AutoIt exe file. Anyways, having disabled UAC, the simple one-line bat script appears to be doing the job. Still having issues with the deadsimple script but progress is being made.
worked for me - but I turned off UAC after about 1 minute once I got Vista.
Alright, its been essentially 21 pages of grueling back and forth, researching, and additional hoopla.
I did all the fixes listed here before and after doing all the tweaks listed here:
The clicking still persists...
I have a Seagate 250GB 7200RPM - ST9250421ASG. I here the little "click" noise with the HDD Light blinking every second or so... I have tried:
1) NHC
2) BIOS Acoustic Settings
3) HDParm
4) Running HD Tune
My Laptop is Dell XPS M1530 T9300 4GB running Windows Vista Premium.
Does anyone still have this problem or did everyone correct it, it seems like everyone reached a solution eventually. Sometimes the problem gets better; as in it clicks/blinks once every 3 seconds, but then again ever so often it does the long spinning clicking noise that "sounds like crunching paper" for about 20 seconds straight...
One peculiar thing is when I use Auto-it to run the script, the little icon that appears in the taskbar is there, and it looks fine, but as soon as I click on it, the script then pauses and starts to blink with a red X indicating that its paused, and I am unable to unpause it. Does this mean I have some operation holding up my HDD from doing what I want it to do... I turned UAC off long ago, Windows Indexing service is off, Google Desktop is off....
I am out of ideas. Maybe I can call Dell and they will give me a SSD 64GB. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. I have included a screen shot of HD Tune for what its worth.Attached Files:
But the Auto-It script worked, right? Mine worked as advertised - I dropped the script into my StartUp folder and it ran at startup as well as wake-up from Sleep mode. I never clicked the icon in the tray, I just moved it out of the startup folder when I wanted it to stop. However, that fix made everything run hotter - both CPU and HDD temps. I cut it off today and the click is back. I am buying a new drive!
For anyone wanting to see if the script actually works, look at the bottom of the script:
If you have no idea what I just said in the last sentence, simply remove the script or executable from your Startup folder, reboot to make sure it's no longer running .. and run/compile the new script.Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015 -
My one nugget of advice to others is make sure your UAC is not interfering with your code attempting to start up HDparm or anything. I'm pretty certain it was inhibiting my .bat script (not deadsimple's) from doing so, as after I disabled UAC it worked. -
Well after doing just about everything possible, I finally just said screw it, and had the hard drive replaced. Good bye Seagate, hello Samsung.
Even if you unpacked hdparm elsewhere, you just have to put hdparm's folder name into the "$HDPARM_PATH" parameter at the start of my script, then re-compile. Example:
Hi all, can you tell me is this NHC tool works on vista 64, because it is giving me ERROR -> Could not load the NHC driver. I installed it on my vostro 1500, because it has the same clicking sound. I was tald by some friend that this sound is because the power supplay of the hdd is not enough. Tell me what to do this sound is sticking in my brain.
I have tried a few of these tips here.. Still ticks? Anything else I should look at?
XPS 1530, Vista-64 bit, Fujitsu 230GB 5400rpm HDD.
Thanks -
Hello, i tried some tips from this thread, but i'm still not getting quiet HDD
But, i noticed, that when i have my HDD in ATA mode, then hdparm works. But i have a SATA HDD with support for all SATA features (NCQ, etc...) so i want to use it in SATA (AHCI) mode. I also have a Turbo Memory module which don't work when HDD is in ATA mode. So what should i do?? I don't want to run the system with HDD in ATA mode, but when it is set to AHCI, i can use hdparm, NHC, or whatever and it don't work. I have a WesternDigital WD3200BEVT drive, which is 320GB, SATA2, 5400rpm drive. Thanks for any answer
Oh, and the OS is Vista Ultimate x64 or Vista Home Premium x86 and install of XP is not a solution for meThanks
I guess there is not a definite solution?
this is frackin annoying.
has anyone gotten this to work?? -
the hdparm method worked for me and my seagate. I made the .bat file and put it in my startup folder as outlined on pg 18. silent drive, no head parking.
Ok, I have read every single post in this thread. I am sure that I have the same problem. I have Vista and I read that NCT is uncompilable with it, so my only option is HDparm. The link that people provide has about 4 different files and I am not sure which one to choose. Which one is for Vista?
Hi guys,
Can somebody please help me out with this.
I recently bought a XA 2528 Amilo Fujitsu Siemens with a Seagate ST9160821AS hard drive (firmware 3 with 160gb) and since I ever started working with it there's one kind of an irritating click-peep sound every 20 seconds or so.
It's not a constant clicking sound or whatsoever, nope, it really is a very short CLICK-PEEP sound every 20 seconds from the hard drive, kinda hard to hear but it's getting on my nerves by now.
I'm on VISTA and tried that NHC thingy but it didn't solve my problem.
It sounds like my hard drive is doing something every 20 seconds like some kind of a service or so but I dunno how to turn it off.
Somebody pleaaaaaaase help me with this -
Can someone help me out with this?
(I couldn't contact napalmb and he hasn't been online for a time now) -
Everytime I run this program my moniter just all of the sudden turns dim? Anyone know whats wrong.
I have a m1530 with 1440*900 resolution with led backlid and I'm on Vista 32 bit -
By the way, I need HDparm as well, does someone know where to get it for Vista? It seems to be designed for Linux when I google it.
please read http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=168425&page=12
for HDparm for Vista and the other instructions -
Every startup of my notebook, when the cpu is doing some stuff at the beginning I never hear that click-beep sound... after a while when the cpu has ended doing his thing and system is completely idle, the click-beep starts (not noisy)... every 20 seconds or so.
Sometimes it's also a click-click (not noisy at all) sound but regularly a click-beeep. -
Damn it, HDParm doesnt's seem to work either, whenever I type hdparm -M 254 /dev/hda I get FUNCTION NOT IMPLEMENTED
I have the new 320GB Seagate Momentus 7200.3 and it did not work with the any value from 0-254. It was clicking like mad.
For the new Momentus "hdparm -B 255 hda" did the trick and made it the most silent drive i ever had in my Notebook.
BTW, you should not mess with any -M commands (Advanced Acoustic Management) as this drive does not like it and will just hang up within a few seconds after the setting is made. -
Prema, whats your bios setting? Performance? Quiet? Bypass?
ok, I have vista 32 bit, fairly certain the HDD is a Western Digital, and is 320GB 5400 rpm, how exactly do i get rid of the clicking?
please help!
CMON!!!!!!!!!!lol, please, anyone?
Thanks very much.I bought a Dell 630 about 2 weeks ago and was also confronted with this 'clicking' sound which became very annoying.I found this BLOG and I must say you were right on the MONEY.I installed NHC and BOB became my new uncle and the noise is GONE!!!
Thanks for taking the time to share the 'FIX' with us!!!! -
Hi Cyanize,
Thanks very much.I bought a Dell 630 about 2 weeks ago and was also confronted with this 'clicking' sound which became very annoying.I found this BLOG and I must say you were right on the MONEY.I installed NHC and BOB became my new uncle and the noise is GONE!!!
Thanks for taking the time to share the 'FIX' with us!!!! -
But, if you wake your laptop from sleep or hibernation, you probably must run the "HDD Acoustic" from your startup folder (Start->Startup->HDD Acoustic) or the clicking noise come again. So download and install hdparm and this tool and it should workAttached Files:
Thank you Cyanize! Just purchased a Dell D630 (with the XP downgrade) and didn't develop the problem until the third day. Tried the BIOS settings first but they didn't solve the problem. However, NHC instantly eliminated my chirpy-click. You're my hero...
I can't thank you enough, Cyanize! Your solution works great with my Dell Inspiron 1501.
My firends i want to know when i change Advance power management to Max performance , it may damage to my HDD or it isn`t bad or problem for HDD ?
Wow! Amazing, just got my XPS M1530 today and after a while noticed this clicking, went searching for a solution found this and it works instantly!!! Very impressive.
This is me just being really pickybut i don't suppose there's anyway of solving this problem without having to put up with all the new icons in my tray, there's about 4 of them and i'd just prefer there to be nothing down there.... thanks for any help!
i have a 1530 as well, with samsung 160Gb HD, wich software are you using? hdparm or NHC?
Used NHC and had the "dimming" issue.
Anyone, how do I use hdparm, i'm a nooby, this is my first notebook, i've seen that it runs in like a "DOS format", but no idea what to do, thanks a lot for your time. -
pikinEW: Hi, don't worry with hdparm, just install it and install the "HDD Acoustic" file that i posted above. This should help you with clicking noise
thanks, i'll let you know if it workd, (my noise isn't as terrible, bout cero noise would be nice)
What about HDDScan for Windows Ver. 3.1 for managing acoustics??
http://hddscan.com/ -
Actually, i didn't tried the HDDScan, but it looks good and i can try it tommorow if i would have some time
ok ScorpionSX, let me know any news
So, i made some short tests with HDD Scan, but it looks that you need to run it every time you turn on your PC. My HDD Acoustic runs automatically as it's copied to Startup folder. So you don't need to do anything else. Only install hdparm and my tool and clicking is gone. In my case HDDScan worked only when i have it run and set the Power Management setting manually. Maybe some next version will be better, but for now, i think the hdparm is the best solution
nice, haven't had time to try it yet, i'll do it first thing tonight.
Does HDD Acoustic impact the battery charge? .I mean, the time you can use the NB with out been plugged.
Sorry for my english -
Well, the battery time may be short, but it's only minutes...maybe 5 or 10...i think that's ok...
For me setting it on Performance in BIOS, "NHC" or "HDParm -B 254 hda" didn't work, but I tried "-B 255 hda" as Prema (with same harddrive, Seagate Momentus 7200.3 320GB) did and voíla! Apparently "-B 255 hda" disables the Advanced Power Management - Is that a good or a bad thing performance wise? Is there some program I could use to easily see that my drive is performing normally?
Always found answers to any problems I've had with my laptop here, cheers! -
It´s running perfectly fast in that mode, i got the same results in PCMark05 with all settings from 0-255.
Since i got requests, i uploaded the files here for stopping the clicking of the Seagate 7200.3. This file only works if it is your first internal drive:
enjoy the silence ;-) -
I've got the same clicking problem with my xps m1530.I installed hdparm."-B 254hda" command did not work.Than i installed HDD Scan v3.1 .The program does not recognize my HDD.I mean, the program does not show the brand of the hdd as on the picture :
And i can not perform any kind of tests.
Could someone help me to resolve this problem... Anytime i can throw my laptop through the window because of it's noise.
Clicking Noise issue *resolved*
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Cyanize, Sep 12, 2007.