Dell 1505
2G 667 ram
(In case that matters)
How do i clear past items from the taskbar for the systemtray?
I've got like a bunch of them listed and was just wanting to get rid of them.
Robert in Sadorus Notebook Evangelist
assuming you have windows..and you are asking about the system tray in the bottom right, these are things that are running at start up. The best way to eliminate these is look in the task manager to see what's running under processes. Then look them up on google to be sure they are processes that are no important.
Then open msconfig to actually eliminate (uncheck) them from the list. -
Robert in Sadorus Notebook Evangelist
The ones on the right of the taskbar are fine, I understand the start up processes, The ones i am talking about are under Start>Settings>Control panel>Taskbar and start menu>Taskbar, Customize.
There are 2 sections, Ones for items being used, the other for *past Items* The past items is the one i am trying to clear.
Yes i am running MCE.
It's in the registry somewhere, I just dont know where to look. -
o, ok. Sorry. Is this it (found it my notes):
1.Open Regedit Navigate to:
2.Delete the IconStreams and PastIconsStream values
3.Open Task Manager, click the Processes tab, click Explorer.exe , and then click End Process .
4.In Task Manager, click File , click New Task , type explorer , and then click OK . -
Robert in Sadorus Notebook Evangelist
I looked there 3 times and it wasnt there, Crazy thing is, it's there now.
It worked, thanks.
Clearing past items from taskbar?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Robert in Sadorus, Jan 31, 2007.