Anyone with similar models have any suggestions for me to clean my laptop? Im concerned about dust buildup from my dorm room this year.
Thanks in advance.
The easiest way is to use canned compressed air and blow out the vents through the fan intake. Do not get the fan turning too fast-give it short bursts.
Do it while it is turned off.
You can also open up the case and blow it out if you feel it necessary. Unplug it and remove the battery first.
The outside: just wipe it down with a soft cloth or microfiber cloth. You can use a damp cloth to wipe off the beer stains on the outside.
Use a canned compressed air to blow out the keyboard and remove all of the food residue and pizza that you dropped on it.
Cleaning the Vostro 1500
Discussion in 'Dell' started by boeingguy1, Jun 4, 2008.