Anyone have a good guide or tips to doing a clean Vista install on M1210 or other Dell laptops?
Since I'm having issue with an Ultimate upgrade:
I figured I may have to do a clean install to try and fix things.
I know there is an XP guide here buit was wondering if there were any issues under Vista getting everything to work, such as Bluetooth, Webcam and camera button, Wifi Locator, etc?
hi i followed this one, after u done that, just grab the drivers from the website and ur camera and everything should work. i did just that yesterday and its awesome now -
Ah cool, so you did a full clean install with now issues? What version of Vista are you running? Does your Bluetooth work fine? Mines not showing up at all now in device manager but prior to the upgrade it was showing fine in taskbar and appeared to be working.
Clean Vista Install Guide/Tips?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by schooner, Mar 23, 2007.