I have an Inspiron E1505 with 1.66GHz core Duo, 1 GB RAM and Intel 950GMA graphics card.
When I play a DVD inside Windows using media center or Cyberlink PowerDVD, the
video playback is choppy. There are many jerks. Overall its not viewable.
If I play the DVD after booting in Dell Media-direct, then its bit better, but still there
are jerks.
I tried one other suggestion on this forum about making the secondary IDE channel's
data transfer mode to DMA. Actually, on my machine its already set to use DMA.
Help me to solve this problem..
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
If you haven't I would suggest downloading the latest drivers for your computer.
Also, try downloading a codec pack to see if that might be the problem. You might also want to check for updates from PowerDVD. That way you have the latest software/etc and try it again.
Hope this helps.
Choppy DVD video on E1505
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ksraval, May 17, 2006.