I'm getting this chirp/clicking noise thats audible every 10-15 sometimes 30 seconds, it seems very random, I'm tempted to say I only hear it during battery operation. I've checked around this forum and I can't seem to find the same problem. I'm thinking possibly HDD but I'm unsure. It's extremely annoying. I do have my HDD set to performance mode in the bios. Any help is very much appreciated.
Almost sounds like the sound that windows makes when you are browsing through folders.
does the hdd light shines when it happens¿
Unfortunately webtax, it is so random, its hard to view the light when it makes the sound, but I'll keep trying to watch it.
its normal, its the hard drive's head "parking". nothing you should be worried about.
damn! its an annoying click, lol, thanks for the help though, this is my first lappy and unfortunately my desktop is so overclocked, the fans needed to keep it cool drown out any sort of audible noise :O
Use an SSD and you'll hear no noise!
Check out the thread in my sig. It might help.
Chirp/Click noise on V1500
Discussion in 'Dell' started by jsm, Nov 15, 2007.