Hello all! I ordered a Dell Mini 10v from Dell on June 22nd and it has been "In Production" since then. I have read the helpful Wiki page about the different stages in the "In Production" section and have called the 800 number to find out what stage I am in since I'm in the US. But every rep I talk to just tells me the same thing. It's in production and my EDD is July 8th. I explained how I had read that there are 5 sub categories in the "In Production" section and I asked nicely if she could tell me what stage I was in. She didn't really understand what I was asking her not because of a language barrier, because while her english was accented we understood each other perfectly throughout the conversation. She finally did say I was not yet in the boxing stage but could tell me no more than that. Is there some magic question I should be asking or a specific wording I should be using? Thanks guys for your help.
Hey I ordered a mini10 also june 20th. and it has been in production since then, the automated line is BS! all they say is that the order is processing and yesterday it was down the whole day...so i'm thinking they were working on it. but as for the laptop what you should do is do the dell chat, its so much better i think. i went on there and here is the convo.
You are now being connected to an agent. Thank you for using Dell Chat
3:32:36 PM System System
Welcome to Dell Small Business Sales Chat! My name is John and I will be assisting you today.
3:32:37 PM Agent
I am in OKC and my normal hours are 9:00-6:00 CST.
3:34:05 PM
Customer : I was wondering what stage my laptop is in because when i call the automated line it says its processing but online my account says in production
3:34:17 PM
Customer :it has been in production since 6/21
3:35:17 PM
Agent : What is the order number?
3:35:34 PM
Customer: **********
3:37:58 PM
Agent :It is estimated to ship tomorrow
3:38:18 PM
Customer k thank you thats all i wanted to know.
3:38:38 PM
You're welcome.
see quick answer lol try it i'm sure if mine actually does ship tomorrow yours should ship the next day if not tomorrow as well.
good luck -
you're laptop is assembled in about 2 hours, depending on what parts are in stock. Probably in Malaysia, all dell manufactorers are opened 24 7.
I ordered mine on friday, its well on its way to the US today. I don't know when it was sent but the rep told me its on its way and they're waiting for it.
I ordered a dell latitude e6400, told her My client moved our meeting to the 9th, so i need that laptop by then, If not then i'm going to cancel the order. she then tells me that she'll put in a request for next day delivery. It is expected to be delivered on the 13th, but it looks like it'll get to me before then.
Ordered June 26
Expected July 13th
On its way to the US June 29th -
lol i love the business line advantage*
so yeah we'll see. this is getting annoying lol if i dont get it by the 7th i'll have to cancel bc i need it asap and i let her know in that email. -
Yeah my mini has been delayed. It was supposed to be delivered on July 8th like I said earlier. They delayed mine to July 22nd! I'm SO dissapointed. And I can't believe they only delayed you to the 13th and delayed me to the 22nd. You got out luckier than I did. I'm super super bummed because I've been looking forward to getting my first laptop.
Lol I know. My sister was like Wow they must really hate you. ^_^ They are torturing me. And I feel so pathetic that I keep checking the status every few hours hoping for a change. Let me know what happens with your mini. Did you get a tracking number for it yet?
yeah i just got it. but when i check on fedex it says not found i guess i have to give a couple hours lol
Oooh you're so lucky! I'm getting excited just thinking about you getting your order now lol that's how far gone I am. When did they ship it? Today or yesterday? Did you get an email or anything?
they shipped it yesterday and yes i got an email this morning. i'm tellin ya youre cant be too far behind lol well it shouldnt be!
Yeah you're right. I'm hoping I will get an email tomorrow telling me that mine shipped just like you. I can only hope. I sometimes wish I could work for Dell just for a week so that I know what really goes on there. lol.
i'm expecting mine today. holiday weekend threw off delivery
Mine Shipped! Finally!!! Today I checked it more out of habit than expecting for it to have shipped and it did!!! I'm so excited! I don't have a tracking number or anything yet but it says the Estimated Delivery Date is July 10th!!!
Checking the Status of an Order?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by stina44, Jun 29, 2009.