Well, this is a long shot but i thought i'd ask to see if anyone knew more about it. I ordered an e1505 on wednesday - as far as the site says it's in production. Today i woke up, and being a friday i thought i'd go check out the dell site to see what the new deals are. Apparently they are now configuring it with a 7900GS!?, for only $50 over the X1400 (what i ordered). I'm pretty much crying right now. So if anyone could help, i'd like to know if there is anyway that i could get it changed (i doubt it, but i had to ask), or i'd just like a really big hug. Thanks.
Good news, you can still change it, but you'll need to contact dell. Considering that it is already in production, they probably can't do anything to your current order, but they might give you some kind of credit since the prices changed with in 24 hours of placing the order (everything changed yesterday).
If they can't make changes to your order, you can cancel and place it again with the 7900GS card. You might talk to dell and see if you can do this over the phone and apply the coupons that are available right now. -
Order another one today with the graphics card you want and refuse the original shipment when it arrives. You may get squeezed on the shipping so it may not just be a matter of $50, but at least you will know you got the specs you want. -
Hmm, thanks for the help guys, but i think it turns out that it was just a typo.
Was just about to call them, thought i'd check the site again. That 7900 GS changed into the 7300 (and is still priced more than the X1400?). Oh well, guess it was too good to be true. I'll just be leaving my order as it is. -
Yeah, the 7900GS being available was a typo, don't cancel your order or anything.
jeez optimus
don't scare me like that
if an e1505 had the 7900gs i would instantly return the laptop i have now and get that instead...
Changing an Order?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Optimus Prime, Jul 14, 2006.