Is there any way to disable the capslock notification thats on bottom right? This messes me up when im playing a game, i press capslock and it takes me to the desktop and its irritating
Don't know if its the same message as with the m15x but there the fix was to change the value to 0 @
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Widcomm\BTConfig\General\KeyIndication -
I don't think that is his problem.
I have a 1530 but running XP instead of Vista, no quickset (well I found one that works but eh, no need for me). Reason I say this, is that is there a little window that Pops up in Vista when you hit caps? And if so, that is not actually Vista native, but something that Dell added? If it is the later, it is probably within Dell Quickset, open that up and see if there is a open, or just close it all together. -
yeah a window pops up and interrups my game...
do i even need dell quickset? -
Yeah, it is a "nice" feature, but not required by any means. There might be a option within Dell Quickset to disable just that too.
Ahh dont mess with the registry its got nothing to do with that. I had exactly the same problem Jrlrule; but then I found - 'Programs and Features'. This new device found in Windows Vista can uninstall programs, the one you want to uninstall is Dell Quickset; a nice program but an irrelevant one! Buy now for only £29.99.
Yes I was trying to make that sound like an advert.. (p.s - its free)
(p.s uninstalling Dell Quickset will solve the problem, I had exactly the same prob - lol it was annoying)
(Please give me Rep Power hehe)
Capslock notification
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Jrlrule, May 26, 2008.