I think My fan is broke.
Or it is just not turning on.
Any help would be nice
silentnite2608 Notebook Evangelist
did you do something wrong in riva tuner? i read your other thread. i'm assuming your laptop is fairly new so i'm assuming your fan should still work and that somehow rivatuner is overriding it's function.
RivaTuner. I've heard of Speedfan also.
I recommend i8kfan, it is designed specifically for Dell laptops, and it has a neat panel that displays all the temperatures, from CPU/GPU/MEM/Chipset to harddrives. As the name implies it allows the control of fans, you can manually set the temperature it turns on or leave it to bios default. It is a very neat program really, have been using it since day one. Oh did I mention it display the temperature in tray icon as well, like any other temp programs...
Can you control the fan anyway?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by silentnite2608, Mar 23, 2008.