XGA, XGA+, Truelife?
What are these and what do they mean exactly? I'm looking for a matte screen and I opted for a XGA. From what I've been reading, Truelife is glossy.
Am I right or no?
XGA = 1280x800 resolution
XGA+=1440x900 resolution
Truelife is the glossy mirrorlike finish.
Matte only comes in XGA. -
are some of the Vostro 1400 having the crap screens that some Vostro 1500 are coming with?
Ah good I made the right choice then
After owning an Acer and working with several HP dv's, I hate glossy.
Can someone explain to me something about Vostro 1400?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Riddlinkidstoner, Sep 1, 2007.