What exactly is truelife and ultrasharp? Will they produce a reflection such that its like looking in a mirror?
Truelife is a thin film placed over a notebooks screen. It offers the benefit of deeper, more vibrant color. Better for games or watching movies. The issue with this film is that it can cause glare when light reflects off of it. For this reason some people who like to use their notebooks in bright sunlight or under intense lighting prefer to go the matte route. Utrasharp is a technology that Dell uses to increase the brightness, viewing angles and color of the screen. The truelife coating will produce a reflection akin to looking in a mirror when the screen is turned off or under intense, dead-on light. The ultrasharp will not necessarily cause reflections, but oftentimes a ultrasharp screen is paired with truelife. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info.
i know someone who has the Truelife on his 6400. After about 4 months of use, he starts getting these tiny bubbles as if the film's adhesive is starting to wear off. Thant's only my assumption though, but could this really happen? Could the heat from the LCD really cause the Truelife film to lose its adhesion? Im quite worried cause i too have a Truelife on my 640m.
thats why I got 4 year complete protection
Yeah I coulnt really see that happening, a small LCD really dosent get that hot. Its more likley he left in in his car in the sun on a hot day or something, and that did it. Or it may just be defective, I dont know.
Can somebody elaborate more on what truelife and ultrasharp is?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by archaic, Sep 13, 2006.