can i ask them to upgrade my current laptop, say bigger hdd, memory, or even the cpu when the merom comes out? of course im willing to pay. do they have special discount for parts for epp customer?
anyone upgrade your laptop through dell?
hold old is your current laptop?
1 month
i know i can buy outside but things like LCD, CPU, i prefer to have DELL do it -
AFAIK, you have to do it yourself. You could probably have a friend or a tech do the upgrade if you are not comfortable with changing out the parts.
Everything is pretty easy -- ram, hdd, display (consider user upgradable). Dell even has a guide on their website that gives you step by step instructions plus images, so you really can't go wrong with upgrading the easy parts. The only problem is that the upgraded parts will not covered in your current warranty.
As for the CPU, dell has not stated whether the current laptops will support Merom or not (yes i know there are users that have done it). Also on dell's website, they state that they do not support users upgrading the CPU and will not support (aka fix) laptops that have been upgraded.
Can I upgrade my current laptop with DEll?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by catennacio, Jul 10, 2006.