My macbook has a T7300 with the cpu squeel
I downloaded this which turned off the CPU Idle and it fixed it
my macbook is silent now
maybe someone can write a similar program for dells?
I believe there is already a fix out to disable the C4 state in Intel processors for Windows machines. However, I wouldn't really call this a fix, more of a work-around.
Just buy some ear-plugs! Not just the CPU whine, everything else will seem silent!!! Who knows your productivity might increase!!!
Seriously! Return the notebook and get another. It is a draw of luck. Some whine where as others are fine!
PS: Dell rep told me that T7300 is the whining culprit and that is why they no longer offer it!
Your Name is Sony but you have an Apple & Dell??? Cooooool!!! -
Dell reps say the darnedest things. It was a batch of processors that affected many different companies, not just one processor model.
CPU Whine Fix
Discussion in 'Dell' started by XPSdaBest, Nov 10, 2007.