I got my E1505 last week. As soon as I got it I formatted the hard drive.
I left Partition 1 to reinstall Media Direct.
I divided hard drive into two, 40gb and 70gb.
I installed all the programs I need for my work and school.
Today I was working on my project and I had to make an image of my friend's CD. Unfortunately I didn't have any program that rips off protected CD. I downloaded Alcohol 120% and when I try to install the program it asked me something like not compatible with kernel blah blah blah, I just ignored it and installed it. It URGED me to reboot and I did. When my computer was booting, I kept getting DEATH OF BLUE SCREEN while it was loading Windows XP. At this moment I really didn't care because I saved all my works at D drive. And I had an image back up in D drive. I inserted my AE CD and when I boot up It kept saying Invalid drives. I used Partition Magic Boot Up CD to see what the heck was going on, and when I checked on the drives. It said INVALID DRIVE. I had to delete my C and D drives and format everything...AND ALL MY WORK IS GONE NOW...
Wow thats terrible, but really alcohol isn't that great anyways, I just use Nero and Daemon Tools for stuff like that.
Finally 100 posts -
Well nero doesn't rip off protected cd... I had nero and I had Daemon Tools...
Thats why I had both
I used Daemon tools for that -
Damm that sucks -
I guess the moral of the story is don't rip off protected cds
weird, i had the BSoD when i installed daemon tools so i just rebooted, went into windows via safe mode, uninstalled, and it worked again.
but alcohol works fine without any problem for my laptop. -
that's what you get for playing with fire
/thread closed
CAREFUL before you install Alcohol 120%!!!!!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by zenecis, Sep 28, 2006.