I'm preparing to buy a Dell Studio for a long time now, and I've finally decided to buy a Studio 15 (been waiting for the 14z to show up, but with no luck). So now my main problem is, should I get a Studio 15 with: i7, 7,2krpm disk imported from the UK (I live in Poland), or should I stick with a P8600, 5,4krpm disk config and buy it locally. Both are practically the same price.
It should be a no-brainer since the i7 config is much more powerful, but I've heard a lot of complaints that the i7 (and the GFX chip?) is overheating in the Studio 15.
I will use the laptop mainly for work in: Photoshop, Flash, Cinema 4D (semi-advanced stuff), coding, etc.
What do you think, should I just buy the i7 or C2D?
Illegal Operation Notebook Evangelist
I have used CS4 on both an i7 and on a high end C2D. Honestly, the difference doesn't seem to be earth shattering. I do see a difference however when it comes to available RAM. I would say, if you have the money then get the i7 but ultimately, a fast C2D along with a generous amount of RAM will work just as nice and will probably save you some cash.
C2D or i7?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Esseti, Nov 13, 2009.