I am waiting for Dell to announce a blu-ray drive for the XPS m1330. The reason I would like to have a blu-ray in the laptop is so that I can use it as a portable drive to connect to my 1080p TVs. My question is this - since the 1330 does not support (from what I understand) true 1080p resolution on the laptop display, will it be able to output true 1080p resolution to an HDTV that does support 1080p res?
I have a PS3 and I have 3 HDTVs. I am tired of having to haul the PS3 from room to room to watch Blu-Rays and I thought this would be a convenient way to do it, but if I am not going to get 1080 quality output, then I don't see the reason in waiting for a blu-ray drive on this machine.
Is there really any other use for a blu-ray on such a small laptop other than to output to another display?
Thank you for your help and input.
Yes it will be able to out put 1080p via HDMI.
Costco had Blu-ray players for $250 over the holidays.
Although it is extremely convent, I honestly don't think it is worth it to spend an extra $500 on a blu-ray drive right now. The prices will be dropping in the coming months now that Blu has won the war.
Very true. Toshiba has just announced they are pulling out, so its all over. BluRay has won, and prices will start to fall. Give it another little while...
Blu-Ray Question
Discussion in 'Dell' started by krazoguy, Feb 16, 2008.