My dad just ordered me a dell inspiron 1721 and I was just wondering if I can upgrade this specific laptop's optimal drive to support blu ray. I've been reading that 1720 can but I havnt heard anything about 1721. I thought the only major difference between the two were the processor types. Please let me know so I can cancel my order in time if 1721 cant do that. Also, just curious, how much is it to upgrade to blu ray? Thanks.
it's about 500-600$ ... you are better off buying a PS3 or a blu-ray player .. since the 1721 doesn't have an hdmi or dvi port.... Go for the PS3
BluRay players for a normal desktop pc are still around $500, so I would think one for a laptop would be AT LEAST that probably more.
If you want blu-ray that much go get a PS3 and enjoy MGS4 while you're at it.
Blu-Ray supply situations are out of whack right now. Sony is in a format war, so they aren't really interested in accruing sales as much as they are in getting the RIGHT sales. The PS3 is insignificant compared to Blu-Ray; the winning format is literally the jackpot. Luckyily for notebook buyers, it seems that Sony is using Dell to tie people into the format via their laptops, which everyone seems to be getting. Desktops are easy to upgrade, so people could just add an HD DVD drive as well (bad for Blu-Ray).
So there are great deals out there for laptop Blu-Ray drives. I've seen them only through Dell. Rather then spending $1000 on a player, people can just spend $400 upgrading their laptop or $600 on a PS3, get a versatile platform, and just use that as thier Blu-Ray player. Any TV good enough to benefit from the format will be 1080p, and have inputs that can interface with a laptop or a PS3. -
yea get the ps3. that way everybody can enjoy the hi-def. plus i know for a while they were offering 5 free blu-ray movies when you buy the ps3. so check that out.
Sony blu-ray players are priced at $499 and $799 on sony's site. They also come with 5 blu-ray movie offers.
i believe your processor wouldnt be fast enough. dells site says it needs the 1.8 core 2 duo minimum to play blueray. idk if thats true, but i remember seeing that before
Blu Ray for 1721?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Matman1110, Aug 19, 2007.