Ive ordered a Dell XPS 1530, im pretty satisfied with my config, just one thing that i im not sure off,
Right know my config is
2.0Ghz 2mb C2D
2GB 667 Mhz DDR2-Ram
160 7200RPM Hdd
Nvidia Geforce 8600GT 256MB
and all the usual options
Am i gonna notice a big difference if i choose the 2.2Ghz cpu with 4mb cache? Is my framerates gonna up much in games like CS Source or is it like 2-5fps more were talking about?
No it won't be too much of a difference...
not a $75 difference lol
yeah thats the most important thing, im going to upgrade only if the performance is worth the extra money for it. But it isn't, right?
i would say no
A little bit more than 2-5 fps. If you look at the difference between the desktop e6400(2MB 2.13) and e6600(4MB 2.4), it's about 10-12 frames. Cache has little to do with it though, the e6420 with 4mb cache performs about 4-5 frames faster than the 2mb version. The 8600GT is the bottleneck regardless, so I think your fine.
exactly...ur GPU will bottleneck even the 1.5 ghz....so save ur money and go with the 2.0 ghz...(just like uncle led rock )
NOT WORTH IT. keep the money man.... 200 mhz increasing FPS in games ? no way.
Big difference between C2D 2.0Ghz and 2.2Ghz ?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Osires, Dec 15, 2007.