I've got an Inspiron 1520 on it's way that should be here early next week. I want to transfer my music and pictures from my old computer running XP to this new laptop which will be running Vista.
I'd say in total it'll be about 10-12 gigs of stuff. What's gonna be the best way to get it all over? I pretty much just want to get the music into iTunes on the new PC and the pictures into the my pictures folder.
DVDs? Got an mp3 player? You can transfer the music and photos through that.
iDump will let you take your songs off your iTod. There's lots of ways to do it: an external drive, over the network, or with a rewriteable CD/DVD.
Lots of choice nowadays!
If you have a home network going with a router, you can hook up both machines to that via ethernet, bring up the new machine on your XP desktop, drag the Music and Photos folders over, and then go out for dinner or go to sleep. Should be done in an hour or so at most with a 100 megabit network.
Or if you have a DVD burner on your old machine, you could either use Windows to backup those folders, or do it from within iTunes etc, and then keep the DVDs after as a nice backup of your stuff.
Or if you have a USB flash drive of 2GB or more, or a USB hard drive or an iPod or something, you could move it in chunks as big as the capacity you have available.
Personally, I like to use the network because it can all be done unattended in a couple of clicks. -
Looks like I might go with transferring songs off my iPod or the home network thing. Thanks for the advice guys!
Best way to get music and photos to new Inspiron 1520
Discussion in 'Dell' started by nick90274, Sep 6, 2007.