Hey, I've been spending a lot of time searching for the best option to hook up my Z-5500 Digital Speakers to my Vostro and I came across the sound blaster live USB external.
Would you guys say this is the best choice to hook up my speakers? I can't use that Dell svideo to spdif converter because I already have my dvd player plugged into my speakers, taking up the Coax plug. I've been looking for a dock that included 5.1 sound output and graphics/usb ports all in one but haven't had much luck there, so I figure this should do fine along with plugging in my keyboard, mouse, and monitor. Not very convenient but its looking as if its my only option. Any other recommendations?
Also, how does the Live work with vista? any problems? anyone with experience?
i have the live external with 5300 speakers. somethings weird about it, i cant seem to get the rear channels to function proper. my audigy 2 pci card was much nicer...
I had the exact same dilemma, vostro + Z5500's. In the end i went with this: http://www.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=205&product=9103
Its the upgraded version of that live! card your looking at. Although the live! is fine too as my friend has that and he says its decent, i would still shoot for the audigy 2 nx. Also if you look at pics of the audigy 2 nx you will see it has many ports. -
they dont make that audigy 2nx anymore...only the live is sold
Check eBay, you'll prolly find one there for cheaper too.
Update: just checked eBay, found the Audigy2 NX with all accessories for $40 BIN.
Interesting, you guys think the NX is a good buy, or should i go with the live? Plus I am considering the Kensington Laptop desktop usb 2.0. This way I can plug my keyboard, mouse, and soundblaster all into the Kensington and it will nicely hold my laptop for a dock.
i have also the z-5500 from logitech and i cant use the 5.1 setup, no matter what kind of configuration i use
my vostro 1400 has the sigmatel 9228 sound adapter, and it is a 5.1 controller, also has 3 jack outputs/imputs colored as the same as the 3 jack cables that came with the speakers
but there is no way to use the rear speakers and the central
only using that kind of pre configured setups like stereo/surround the sound is multiplied on the center channel, but is not the real centre channel sound
i dont know if using a optical cable using de spdif output of my vostro will make it work, what do u think ? thankyou.
Best option for 5.1 sound on my vostro?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by logo908, Aug 14, 2007.