I am currently using my Treo to pull a wireless connect to my d830. However if there is no outlet where I am working, my treo sucks the battery life and is done within an hour or so...
I am considering t-mobile for 29.99.
My phone is currently through sprint. I am already paying for DSL in the house so don't want to over extend.
Cingular / Att for $19.99 a month for unlimited data.
howardforums has good info -
Do you have SERO? It's "free" tethering... (with Free Data/TXT) for $30!
gothca.. i'll check out cingular.
Or lower if you have company discounts. I just wish there coverage wasn't so bad in the deep south . -
Yep... I have $7 insurance + company discounts (25% = $31 with taxes
... all with 500 minutes and 7 PM N&W.
Best Mobil Wireless Service For The Money?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by swordfish01, Jul 26, 2007.