I bought a 6cell battery for the D420 maybe 5 months ago and it's already at 3stars worth of damage. I can't think of what could be wrong, my computer idles at about 45c and under heavy use gets to about 60c but rarely stays there.
The only think I can think of is that I use a D/Port at home and that sometimes ups the temps.
Anyone have any similar experiences?
What do you mean about 3 stars of damage? Battery wear is rated in percent, not stars.
On my old latitude d600 the lights on the batteries just told you the charge level.
Yeah the lights just tell you the charge level. In the BIOS doesn't it tell you how your battery is performing?
I know I read somewhere that if you hold the button on the battery down, you get the charge level (more lights is good), but if you keep holding it down, you get the wear level (more lights is bad). Maybe I read this on Dell's site and maybe I read it in the user manual that came with the laptop. I can't remember.
Just email tech support and demand a new battery. Doesn't hurt to try.
If you have had it for under a year, you should be covered under warranty, which will entitle you to at least a refurbished battery. -
Well, I don't mean outright demand.. It's better to be firm while also polite.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. -
No go. Talked to Dell and they say they consider it normal wear. Seems weird for the charge to drop so much. Right now my battery can only hold 1.5 hr worth of charge when it should be handling 3 hrs worth.
Anyone have any experience w/ their laptops and docks? Does this decerase battery life? -
Try emailing them. Be firm like I said and tell them that their battery MUST be defective for the charge to fall so low so quick.
Good luck! -
Well do you keep your laptop plugged in alot? It can decrease your battery life if you don't use your battery constantly (but remember to charge before you get to 10% left). I learned the hard way; my laptop's battery lost lots of its life after only a year.
Battery Damage
Discussion in 'Dell' started by eckliptic, Apr 19, 2008.