A few of the colors have no delay now, but the pink is still sticking up there with the longest delay, 10 days. Oh what will we do?
Crimsonman Ex NBR member :cry:
GOOD one! -
where can i get ablue one looks kool
Sony makes a blue one in that same style.
Unfortunately you have to put up with onboard Intel graphics instead of a video card. It weighs less than a 1420 though, and you probably get a better screen with "XBRITE-ECO" technology (has the LED backlight). -
It also costs quite a bit more too...
I just built a very similar 1420 system online at the Dell website and the Sony was $200 more. On the plus side, I made the decision to buy it, went to the store and was happily using my new laptop in less than 30 minutes. The buffed top looks more professional (I've seen the Inspiron paint jobs first hand), it's sleeker and more stylish - not quite so "boxey" as the Dell Inspirons, and it just feels more solid. I borrowed my friend's Inspiron 1420 for a day to try it out, and I've now been using the Sony for several days and I am confident that this was the right decision for me. -
I ordered on July 19.... for my Inspiron 1720... that Sony Vaio is not what I want though... screen is 3 inches smaller... :-\... I just want my 1720 *sob, sob*
I wonder if it's possible to paint your own laptop using some nice metallic car paint.
Would you need some sort of undercoat to make the paint adhere.
Could you do it without removing the insides of the laptop?
Maybe if you only painted the lid. -
thats what you guys get for ordering pink!
They didn't have emerald green or electric purple.
office depot has those sony's on sale i believe for like 989 or close to that in usd
some pinks are going out tho... i called today and my only delay now is my stinking processor!!!.... i feel like being a processor and sending it to dell to put in there, i'd probably get the laptop sooner...
Bad news for us pinks...
Discussion in 'Dell' started by jmack549, Aug 28, 2007.